Our Fundraisers
Every year, Unity in the Community hosts several fundraisers in support of Plant City. Be on the lookout for our main events below.
“Through our commitment to economic, educational, health/wellness, cultural, and civic development initiatives, we strive to create a brighter future for all members of our community.”
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring people together by providing resources and services that promote economic development, educational opportunities, health/wellness initiatives, cultural awareness, and civic engagement.
How can you help?
We strive to foster a sense of hope and belonging for all members of our community, regardless of their background or circumstances. You can help Unity by participating or volunteering at our events. Click on our email link at top of this page to get connected. We also accept one-time or monthly donations.
Unity in the Community Supports Over 60 Charities and Organizations in and Around the Plant City Area.